arran machrie moor cask strength

Arran Machrie Moor Cask Strength


Arran Machrie Moor Cask Strength is a single malt Scotch whisky produced by the Isle of Arran Distillery on the island of Arran in the western Highlands of Scotland. It is a cask strength whisky, whic... Read more

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House of Malt 52.84 53.26 52.46 52.10 51.06 50.78
Master of Malt 55.47 52.68 53.12 53.69 52.95 54.05
Spiritly 53.75 52.93 57.56 57.79 57.51 50.99
The Spirits Embassy 47.60 47.50 49.41 50.00 49.56 50.20
Tyndrum Whisky 55.99 55.99 55.19 53.76 54.06 53.29
Whisky Exchange 57.95 57.95 57.95 57.95 57.69 56.72


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Product Information

Arran Machrie Moor Cask Strength is available for the lowest price of £46.84. This is information is sourced from 8 online retailers, confirming this is the most affordable price available at this moment.


Name Arran Machrie Moor Cask Strength
Brand Arran
Average Price £54.58
Type Scotch Whisky
Region Island Whisky

Product Properties

Volume 700ml
Alcohol Content (ABV) 56.2%
Country of Origin Scotland
Created On CasKompare 02-05-2022

Product Description

Arran Machrie Moor Cask Strength is a single malt Scotch whisky produced by the Isle of Arran Distillery on the island of Arran in the western Highlands of Scotland. It is a cask strength whisky, which means it is bottled at the strength at which it comes out of the cask, without being diluted with water. This results in a whisky with a higher alcohol content and a more full-bodied, intense flavor. Machrie Moor Cask Strength is aged for a minimum of 10 years in oak barrels, which gives it a rich, complex flavor with notes of honey, fruit, and toffee. It is non-chill filtered, which means it is bottled without being chilled or filtered to remove any impurities, resulting in a more full-bodied and flavorful whisky. The exact alcohol content of Machrie Moor Cask Strength will vary depending on the cask it came from, but it is usually around 50-60% ABV. It is typically enjoyed neat or with a small amount of water to allow the full range of flavors to be appreciated.

Order Now: Experience the smooth taste and rich aroma of Arran Scotch Whisky by ordering your 700ml bottle today With an ABV of56.2, this premium whisky is the perfect addition to any collection or for sharing with friends. Order now.

About The Brand: Arran

Scottish rainfall at Loch Na Davie in the hills above the distillery is the source of Arran Single Malt. Six waterfalls along the Easan Biorach burn cleanse the water as it flows through it as it cascades down the mountain. Whole grains of our barley are sent to us from mainland maltsters. We grind the grains at Lochranza after that. The spirit absorbs color and flavor from the wood over many years in our warehouses on Arran. It is crucial that the casks we use be of the highest caliber. We never add caramel or use cold filtering to remove flavor from our whiskies. Our water is so pure that we can produce a clear, delicious dram that is pure and unadulterated. Nearly 30 years ago, we started distilling at our first distillery in lovely Lochranza. The closeness to Loch na Davie gave us access to a pretty unique supply of fresh water for distillation although many other places were at the time taken into consideration. We were certain that this would benefit us going forward. In 2019, we launched our second distillery in Lagg in the south of the island, where we produce a very distinctive peated single malt. In 1995, the north end of the island saw the establishment of the Lochranza distillery. At Lagg in the south end, we now have a sister distillery for Scottish whiskey.

Read more about Arran on their website.

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