balblair 1979 24 year old

Balblair 1979 24 Year Old


Released around a decade ago, this 1979 vintage Balblair is a forerunner of the hugely successful 1979 vintage released in the distillery's updated livery in 2007. It seems that this vintage has alway... Read more

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Product Information

Balblair 1979 24 Year Old is available for the lowest price of £450. This is information is sourced from 1 online retailers, confirming this is the most affordable price available at this moment.


Name Balblair 1979 24 Year Old
Brand Balblair
Average Price £450.00
Type Scotch Whisky
Region Highland Whisky

Product Properties

Volume 700ml
Alcohol Content (ABV) 46%
Country of Origin Scotland
Created On CasKompare 01-05-2024

Product Description

Released around a decade ago, this 1979 vintage Balblair is a forerunner of the hugely successful 1979 vintage released in the distillery's updated livery in 2007. It seems that this vintage has always been held in high regard by the distillery's owners, and with good reason.~ The Whisky Exchange

Order Now: Experience the smooth taste and rich aroma of Balblair Scotch Whisky by ordering your 700ml bottle today With an ABV of46, this premium whisky is the perfect addition to any collection or for sharing with friends. Order now.

About The Brand: Balblair

Balblair, Scotland's most iconic distillery, is situated on an isolated mountain with unobstructed views of the Dornoch Firth. Everything we stand for is embodied in our whiskies. In order to create our distinctive, character-filled whiskey, we only employ the best ingredients and time-honored techniques. Our Highland house has a mysterious, interesting vibe to it since it is built on an old Pictish meeting spot. The isolated Clach Biorach standing stone, which still stands close to the distillery, watched over the Picts when they gathered more than 3,000 years ago, just as it does for us now. Each bottle of Balblair contains a distinctive Z Rod marking that serves as a symbol and a testament to its lengthy heritage. Our exceptional light yet nuanced spirit is made in our original squat neck pot stills using ingredients like Black Isle barley and the open lade water that runs down the Edderton Hills and captures genuine local flavor. Our single malt is the result of the perseverance and commitment of our skilled artisans, who won't accept anything less than the finest for Balblair. We never rush or make concessions. This controlled and thorough process allows us to use time to produce the flavor of our distinctive new make spirit, which was fermented for an unusually lengthy 62 hours and then slowly distilled for 4 1/2 hours.

Read more about Balblair on their website.

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