cù bòcan signature

Cù Bòcan Signature


Cù Bòcan Signature is a single malt Scotch whisky that is produced by the Tomatin Distillery in the Scottish Highlands. It is aged for an undisclosed amount of time in oak barrels and is known for its... Read more

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Product Information

Cù Bòcan Signature is available for the lowest price of £39.75. This is information is sourced from 6 online retailers, confirming this is the most affordable price available at this moment.


Name Cù Bòcan Signature
Brand Tomatin
Average Price £41.13
Type Scotch Whisky
Region Highland Whisky

Product Properties

Volume 700ml
Alcohol Content (ABV) 46%
Country of Origin Scotland
Created On CasKompare 02-20-2022

Product Description

Cù Bòcan Signature is a single malt Scotch whisky that is produced by the Tomatin Distillery in the Scottish Highlands. It is aged for an undisclosed amount of time in oak barrels and is known for its smooth, well-balanced flavor profile. Cù Bòcan Signature is made using malted barley that is grown in the surrounding region and is distilled using traditional methods. After distillation, the whisky is aged in oak barrels for an undisclosed amount of time. The type of oak barrels used to age the whisky can affect the flavors of the whisky, with ex-bourbon barrels imparting flavors of vanilla and caramel, and ex-sherry barrels imparting flavors of fruit and nuts. Cù Bòcan Signature has a golden amber color and an aroma with notes of fruit, oak, and smoke. On the palate, it has flavors of fruit, oak, and smoke, with a smooth, well-balanced finish. It is typically enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or as a component in cocktails. It is considered to be one of the brand's premium offerings and is often given as a gift or enjoyed on special occasions.

Order Now: Experience the smooth taste and rich aroma of Tomatin Scotch Whisky by ordering your 700ml bottle today With an ABV of46, this budget friendly whisky is the perfect addition to any collection or for sharing with friends. Order now.

About The Brand: Tomatin

In the hamlet of Tomatin, there is a single malt Scotch whisky distillery. Given that it is located 25 minutes south of Inverness, its whiskey is considered to be from the Highland area. The distillery wasn't built until 1897, going by the name Tomatin Spey Distillery Co Ltd, even though it is believed that whiskey has been produced on the site since the 16th century when cattle drivers would purchase it from a nearby still. The business filed for bankruptcy in 1906 and reopened in 1909 under new management. It was acquired by the Japanese company Takara Shuzo in 1986 after the liquidation of its owners, and the name was changed to Tomatin Distillery Co Ltd. Up until 1958, the distillery ran on just two stills. They started adding stills to improve production capacity at that point, and by the 1970s, they were producing 12.5 million gallons of whiskey annually. Tomatin was formerly thought to be the biggest malt distillery in Scotland,[3] but as of 2007, they were only producing 2.5 million liters of alcohol, and since the mid-1980s, stills have been removed, reducing its total capacity to just over 5 million liters. Eighty percent of Tomatin's whiskey, including its own labels Antiquary and Talisman, is used to make blended whiskies. The distillery is currently increasing its core range and working to strengthen its reputation as a single malt producer. The 12-year-old was introduced in 2003 to replace Tomatin's standard 10-year-old malt. There are also often created single-cask, 32-year, and 40-year restricted releases. Cù Bcan, a single malt that is just minimally peated and produced at the distillery for one week a year, has just recently started to be made.

Read more about Tomatin on their website.

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