royal lochnagar 12 year old bot.1990s

Royal Lochnagar 12 Year Old Bot.1990s


An old bottling of Royal Lochnagar 12-year-old. The distillery lies near to Balmoral Castle and was reputedly a favourite of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. We estimate this bottle dates from the 19... Read more

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Product Information

Royal Lochnagar 12 Year Old Bot.1990s is available for the lowest price of £175. This is information is sourced from 1 online retailers, confirming this is the most affordable price available at this moment.


Name Royal Lochnagar 12 Year Old Bot.1990s
Brand Royal Lochnagar
Average Price £175.00
Type Scotch Whisky
Region Highland Whisky

Product Properties

Volume 700ml
Alcohol Content (ABV) 40%
Country of Origin Scotland
Created On CasKompare 08-27-2023

Product Description

An old bottling of Royal Lochnagar 12-year-old. The distillery lies near to Balmoral Castle and was reputedly a favourite of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. We estimate this bottle dates from the 1980s.~ The Whisky Exchange

Order Now: Experience the smooth taste and rich aroma of Royal Lochnagar Scotch Whisky by ordering your 700ml bottle today With an ABV of40, this premium whisky is the perfect addition to any collection or for sharing with friends. Order now.

About The Brand: Royal Lochnagar

A single malt Scotch whiskey distillery, Royal Lochnagar is situated on the Abergeldie Estate, close to Balmoral Castle in Royal Deeside. The peak Lochnagar lies nearby. The distillery is located in Scotland's Highland whiskey region. The distillery is authorized by the royal court. Early in the 19th century, James Robertson of Crathie constructed the original Lochnagar distillery. But in 1824, it burned down under mysterious circumstances. According to legend, unlicensed competitors erected a second and third replacement distilleries, which were both destroyed by fire again in 1826 and 1841, respectively. The 'new' Lochnagar distillery, which served as the foundation for the distillery in use today, was established and constructed by John Begg in 1845. When John Begg persuaded Prince Albert to visit the distillery from nearby Balmoral Castle, the Queen's home in the Highlands, the distillery received its Royal Warrant in 1848. The next day, Queen Victoria, Prince Albert, and their three eldest children paid a visit to the distillery. After Queen Victoria's visit, the distillery was christened Royal Lochnagar three years later. Up until the latter half of the 20th century, the distillery advertised its whiskey with the tagline 'Take a peg of John Begg.' Up until 1902, when it changed to becoming a private limited company, the distillery was still directly owned by the family. In 1916, DCL bought the business. The facility was powered by a steam engine and waterwheels up until 1963. Royal Lochnagar, the smallest whiskey distillery in Diageo's portfolio, is now leased by the company from the Abergeldie Estate. The old farm and steadings, constructed of Aberdeenshire granite stone, are still mainly present on the current site.

Read more about Royal Lochnagar on their website.

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