Kirker & Greer 16 Year Old Single Malt

Kirker & Greer 16 Year Old Single Malt


A single malt Irish whiskey from Kirker & Greer over in Belfast. This particular expression has been double distilled and left to age in first fill bourbon casks for a whole 16 years. The vanilla-forw... Read more

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Product Information

Kirker & Greer 16 Year Old Single Malt is available for the lowest price of £62.36. This is information is sourced from 3 online retailers, confirming this is the most affordable price available at this moment.


Name Kirker & Greer 16 Year Old Single Malt
Brand Kirker & Greer
Average Price £2606.57
Type Irish Whiskey

Product Properties

Volume 700ml
Country of Origin Ireland
Created On CasKompare 09-30-2022

Product Description

A single malt Irish whiskey from Kirker & Greer over in Belfast. This particular expression has been double distilled and left to age in first fill bourbon casks for a whole 16 years. The vanilla-forward whiskey was then bottled up at 43% ABV~ Master of Malt

Order Now: Experience the smooth taste and rich aroma of Kirker & Greer Irish Whiskey by ordering your 700ml bottle today This premium whisky is the perfect addition to any collection or for sharing with friends. Order now.

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