About Lauder’s

One of the oldest blended Scotches in existence, Lauder's Scotch Whisky can be traced back to 1834 and the storied Royal Lochnagar Vaults in Glasgow. The Vaults gained notoriety for having a barbershop in the basement where patrons could receive haircuts while enjoying a drink when Archibald Lauder bought the establishment. Later, the bar's name was changed to Lauder's, and it was here that Archibald Lauder, a master of whisky mixing, gave his name to the Scotch that would go on to win awards and be sold all over the world. Perhaps Archibald was one of the first to do customer research because he listened to friends' opinions on the 'house whiskey' and kept refining his product until he was happy with it.

Lauder’s Whiskies