glengoyne 1969 27 year old sherry cask

Glengoyne 1969 27 Year Old Sherry Cask


A sherried cask of 27 year-old Glengoyne 1969, bottled in the 1990s by Cadenhead's at the frankly astonishing strength of 62.8%.... Read more

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Product Information

Glengoyne 1969 27 Year Old Sherry Cask is available for the lowest price of £1250. This is information is sourced from 1 online retailers, confirming this is the most affordable price available at this moment.


Name Glengoyne 1969 27 Year Old Sherry Cask
Brand Glengoyne
Average Price £1250.00
Type Scotch Whisky
Region Highland Whisky

Product Properties

Volume 700ml
Alcohol Content (ABV) 62.8%
Country of Origin Scotland
Created On CasKompare 08-27-2023

Product Description

A sherried cask of 27 year-old Glengoyne 1969, bottled in the 1990s by Cadenhead's at the frankly astonishing strength of 62.8%.~ The Whisky Exchange

Order Now: Experience the smooth taste and rich aroma of Glengoyne Scotch Whisky by ordering your 700ml bottle today With an ABV of62.8, this premium whisky is the perfect addition to any collection or for sharing with friends. Order now.

About The Brand: Glengoyne

The Glengoyne Distillery is a whiskey distillery that has been running continuously since it was established in Dumgoyne, Scotland, north of Glasgow, in 1833. Glengoyne is exceptional in that it makes Highland single malt whiskey that has been aged in the Lowlands. The stills at Glengoyne are situated along the Highland Line, which separates Scotland's Highlands and Lowlands; whisky maturation barrels are situated in the Lowlands across the highway. The Glengoyne Distillery is located in Dumgoyne, near Loch Lomond and to the north of Glasgow, on the southern fringe of the Scottish Highlands. Although Glengoyne is a Highland single malt since it is made in the Highlands, it matures in the Lowlands. This is due to the fact that the distillery is split in two by the Highland Line, which separates Scotland's Highlands and Lowlands. The boundary line crosses in front of the distillery and beneath the A81 highway, which connects Glasgow with Aberfoyle, with the warehouses to the southwest of the highway. The most well-known long walk in Scotland, the West Highland Way, is located just next to Glengoyne, where hikers frequently stop by. Many people refer to Glengoyne as the 'most beautiful distillery in Scotland.' With a present capacity of over one million liters of alcohol and more than 35,000 annual visitors, the distillery has been producing Highland single malt whiskey for more than 175 years. Only two distilleries still in operation today employ the high-quality, low-yield Golden Promise barley, and Glengoyne and Bruichladdich is one of them. The Glengoyne Burn, which runs from the neighboring Dumgoyne hill through the distillery grounds before continuing on to Loch Lomond, provides water for the distillery. Unlike many malt whiskies, Glengoyne prefers to utilize warm air to dry its grain rather than peat smoke. This absence of peat smoke is credited with giving the Glengoyne single malts their particular flavor and clean, brilliant look. The advertising phrase 'The real taste of malt whisky unspoiled by peat smoke' makes use of this unique quality to promote Glengoyne.

Read more about Glengoyne on their website.

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